Sunday, April 13, 2014

Welcome to my first ever Blog

There is a great need in our world for education about what the Bible says. This blog will serve two purposes: to give me a place and  incentive to delve into hard topics, and a place to present the truths of the Gospel.  Much has been invested in me at school and at church before that as I grew up.

Luk 12:48  But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

Christ has seen fit in my life to have many invest in me personally and spiritually. Very few in churches will have the blessing and opportunity to sit under the men of God He has placed over me, but in whatever ways I can, it is my responsibility to pass what I have learned onto others. I will endeavor in this blog to condense lessons of weeks and months, into a concise format that will be easy to understand, and as complete as possible with that goal in mind.

The title of the Blog is of great significance to me: True Baptist Doctrine. The meaning behind this name is that not just the WHAT of baptist doctrine, but that I would cover the WHY of doctrine. Growing up, I had a good grasp on the WHAT, but not the WHY in many respects. I have had friends express the same feelings, and have come to the conclusion, that the reason so many of my generation have departed the faith is because they grasped the WHAT, but not the WHY. Do this, don't do that has little meaning in the long run if you don't comprehend why should I do this, and why shouldn't I do that.

I pray God will use this blog to impact my own spiritual walk with Him, but also with those who happen to read it.

-Randy Brown

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